The Hair Affair With Christine

Book With Christine

We need to be a little more like Rosie

Imagine if we have the ability to forget what tears us all apart and remember we are  racing against ourselves not each other. 

Building a Community

The idea of the Hair Affair "It not all about the hair!" came from a desire and passion to bring together a community of like minds.  Now as you glance through my webpage you might feel like that this is all about women and the "beauty industry". But I assure you the heart of this comes from more than that.  I just happen to be a hairstylist myself.  I hope to empower and encourage all in whatever your journey looks like for you, it might b the same industry as me or it may not be.  Im a lover of all era's, but i have always been capitvated with the 1940's.  WWII is a time to remember and it took all, a community, to win the war.  Women left their duties as a "housewife" and took up work in the factories to build muntions and war planes while the service men had to go to war.  See, in this day in age I feel like that we have lost the idea of what a community looks like.  We should be working together and building each other up instead of the oppisite.  We need more of that, more of a community!

But Ohhhhhh... the beauty,